From Living the New Story
Mattie Porte
Next Steps Exercise
The following questions for reflection are designed to support you in integrating the totality of the journey and revealing your next steps as you look ahead to the future. Please do feel free to share your insights in our ‘Living the New Story’ Facebook Group.
[First short answers are what I typed during Mattie’s brief pauses during the live meeting].
1. Having reflected on your journey, what most inspired and touched you?
Pat Mccabe’s indigenous expression
2. What might have challenged or disturbed you?
The African women with AIDS
3. What has changed in and around you?
I’m weaker and more depressed
4. What is now calling you?
Expressing my aliveness to Eve
5. What steps and actions are you going to take to live into your new story?
Try to send an answer to Eve
6. What might stop you? How can you reduce that likelihood?
Getting weaker. Really focus on rest and sleep
7. What might support you?
Making peace with my caregivers
8. Is there any other information available to you at this time?
Of course. All the sources I’m working with