Stage 7. Early Elderhood – The Master in the Grove of Elders
In the Interactive Table I say this is from when I was 67 years old up to present time. The “Grove of Elders” is made up of those who have been sources of wisdom and compassion for their cultures. Mastery is something I aspire to.
Bill Plotkin’s summary of STAGE 7: The Master in the Grove of Elders (early elderhood)
Passage: Crowning (initiation into true elderhood)
Gift: Wholeness
Circle of Identity: From ecocentric to cosmoscentric
Center of Gravity: The soul of the more-than-human community
Task: Caring for the soul of the more-than-human community
Examples: [I’ve been focusing on #4]
1-Defending and nurturing the innocence and wonder of children
2-Mentoring and initiating adolescents
3-Mentoring adults in their soulwork
4-Guiding the evolution or transformation of the culture
5-Maintaining the balance between human culture and the larger Earth community
Working toward a shared planetary consciousness that heals the Earth