
When I started to lose the ability to speak in 2008 I started a web page to communicate my stories to new people I met. This is the current evolution of that page, now grown to over 550 pages. My current health situation is here.

You might start with stories about my life as a Stanford student, rock drummer, communal farmer, Zen student, corporate manager, or high school teacher librarian. Two doorways into my spiritual life are the Practice, Path, Goal [temporarily unavailable] and Contacts with Source pages.

In the menu at the top of each page, the Stages section lays out my life and times in chronological order, with sections for Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, and Elderhood. Try the interactive overview table.

The Strands section is the same life arranged by topics: Relationship, Livelihood, Spirituality, Study, and Social Action.

The Resources section is where I put my writing projects, which are then linked to and used in the Stages and Strands sections. For example I hired a friend to retype for machine readability the 250 page Antioch Portfolio I wrote in 1975-6. The 17 sections are now 17 of the 550+ pages of this site. The many binders of my handwritten Progoff Journal, started in 1977, and my handwritten Independent Scholar’s Journal are represented by the few items I have typed for machine readability.

The Blog section started as my 2013 Active Hope blog, an exploration of the question “What is the shift of consciousness needed to reverse the global eco-crisis?”.

Comments, questions, and constructive criticism are appreciated. Or use the Comments to just say Hi! Because I’m housebound and this is my outreach to the world, I appreciate the contact.

Working toward a shared planetary consciousness that heals the Earth