Linked from Practice, Path, Goal
It is frequently stated that to solve the massive planetary crises we are facing will require a dramatic shift of consciousness. I made a one-year commitment to shed some light on what that might mean. I identified the first step as brainstorming the possible elements involved. Here is the first pass of my Ingredients Brainstorming document mentioned in the previous post. There’s a lot to untangle even to get started.
Continue reading Beginning to Brainstorm →
A little over a dozen of us from various parts of the world just finished an inspiring 6-week online course facilitated by Chris Johnstone and Barbara Ford. Together we read the book “Active Hope” by Joanna Macy and Chris. You can read about the book here and the announcement for the course here.
One thing we did in the course was the following exercise, shown here (with my answers) for the benefit of those of you who weren’t in the course or who haven’t read the book (it’s on page 199):
Identifying your goals and resources
1. If you knew you could not fail, what would you most want to do for the healing of our world?
I came up with a list of five ambitious visions:
I answered
· Start with global warming. Reduce CO2 in the air to a sustainable level
· Make Los Angeles into a Transition Town
· Make The Great Turning the overarching main context for stories in the mass media, replacing Business as Usual and the Great Unraveling
· Overthrow the corporate empire and replace it with a just, humane, and sustainable system
· Help co-create an emerging planetary consciousness capable of decision making to heal the earth
2. What specific goal or project could you realistically aim to achieve in the next twelve months that would contribute to this?
We had to work with just one. Due to health limitations (I cannot speak and can barely walk) I ruled out the first four. A project with any of them would require working with other people in a way that would involve at least some walking and/or talking. The fifth is something I could work on from my computer without leaving the house. I really want to do them all.
4. What resources, internal and external, will you need to acquire? What might you need to learn, develop, or obtain?
5. How might you stop yourself? What obstacles might you throw in the way?
6. How will you overcome these obstacles?
7. What step can you take in the next week, no matter how small, that will move you toward this goal?
These are the highlights of my answers:
* Long-term goal: Help co-create the global planetary consciousness that will be necessary for the self-healing of the earth.
* One-year goal: Write a paper (and possibly a blog of the work in progress) that unpacks this vision of an evolution of consciousness. Explore it deeply and thoroughly enough that publishing it makes a contribution to the healing of the earth.
* One-week commitment: Set up a structure for gathering all the ingredients, strands, and facets of the project.
I am happy to announce that, to fulfill the one-week commitment, I have created a simple Word document called “Ingredients Brainstorming“, and begun to populate it. I obviously have a long way to go. I’ve never been so aware of the vast spaciousness of the empty page. There are so many aspects of this issue that I want to explore. I just need to be patient and try to access a larger view of time.
Working toward a shared planetary consciousness that heals the Earth