Silas Alexander Arce, our first grandchild, visited on September 13, 2016, age 9 days.

And here he is 4 months later.

For my inquiry into the change of consciousness necessary to avert global eco-catastrophe, I want to focus on the theme that is currently emerging. For this purpose, I’m going back and forth between two resources that I’ve been digging into for months. They are Scott Preston’s blog The Chrysalis and Jordan Peterson’s YouTube videos of the two courses he teaches at the University of Ottawa. That’s Scott in the photo above.
Continue reading The Sorcerer’s Apprentice →
For almost my entire adult life I have been periodically drawn to the writings of Carl Jung. But every time I engage, I find myself somewhat mystified. I usually tell myself that I should try again when I am older and wiser. It always feels like there is something there I need to know, but I’m not quite ready to grasp it.
Continue reading Maps of Meaning →
I want to share this whole essay I received today from Charles, called By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them. It captures the two poles of hope and realistic despair, and shows how they work together.
Continue reading Charles Eisenstein on the Yin and Yang of Active Hope →
What is the collective shift of consciousness so many refer to as necessary for the healing of the earth?
I was bogged down after spending about a year of inquiry into that question. I found myself strongly drawn to reading The Red Book of CG Jung, which started with him being called by “the spirit of the depths”. It took me to a deeper level, but I was unable to connect it with the results of my inquiry up to that point.
Continue reading Scott Preston’s blog, The Chrysalis →
My far-flung concerns have settled into the interaction of two mythic archetypes: the Bodhisattva and the Anima Mundi. I’m watching to see how it unfolds.
Working toward a shared planetary consciousness that heals the Earth