UTLA and school leadership positions

From Downtown Magnets High School

In gratitude for the union so vigorously defending me at West Vernon, thereby saving my job and my public school teaching career, I ran for the UTLA Chapter Chair position at DMHS when it was left open by a retirement. I won, and gladly took on the role of defending teachers against violations of their contractual rights.

I also became a member of the newly constituted UTLA Library Professionals Committee. From those meetings I became one of the 3 original members of the Article 30 Committee designated to negotiate with LAUSD on librarians’ issues.

Also from the LPC I became the only librarian on the ISD interdisciplinary design team tasked with building the multi-million dollar library catalog system funded by a public bond measure. I was able to utilize the experience of being a user rep on the design team at Avnet for the big mainframe distribution system.

As chapter chair I was co-chair with the Principal of a committee established by the collective bargaining agreement between UTLA and LAUSD to manage certain programs and funds at each school site.

I also joined the School Site Council which by state law administered federal funds given to the school, serving for one year as the chairman. During that year I was doing all of the above simultaneously, along with wearing the many hats involved in running my library.

#6.5 of SA6. Teaching

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